As women navigate the journey of life, they encounter various stages that mark significant psychological and spiritual transformations. One of the most profound of these stages occurs during midlife, often synonymous with the emergence of the “Crone” archetype. This archetype, one of the three facets of the classic Triple Goddess Maiden, Mother, and Crone embodies wisdom, maturity, and a deeper understanding of life. Exploring the Crone archetype can provide meaningful insights into the challenges and opportunities that midlife presents for women.
Understanding Interstitial Cystitis
Some health conditions are straightforward, but most are not. One that falls into the category of NOT straightforward is interstitial cystitis. November is bladder health …
Who Should NOT Take Probiotics
Why do some people feel WORSE taking probiotics? The microbiome and probiotics are all the rage. These healthy bacteria support gut health, immunity, brain function, …
The Myth About Restrictive Diets
⚠️ Don’t Make This Mistake ⚠️ Most people believe that if they have SIBO or IBS or other digestive problems… ….that they need to follow …
What’s The Difference Between SIBO & IBS?
On the surface, IBS and SIBO are hard to tell apart. Both can cause bloating, gas, pain, and either diarrhea or constipation. ❌ But they …
Why Am I So bloated?
So, why am I so bloated? Bloating is one of the most aggravating symptoms because of how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be! When attempts …
Health Benefits of Ending Your Shower on Cold
🥶 Hear me out on this one. Ending your shower on cold might not sound like the most comfortable thing to do, but that’s actually …
How to Eat Hemp Hearts
Hemp hearts on toast is not only tasty but also so good for you! How to make it: 🍞 Toast your favorite bread 🥜 Spread …
What Is Estrogen Dominance?
Hormonal imbalance tends to have a cascade effect, so estrogen dominance often leads to a plethora of other health-related problems.
Why Your Hormones Aren’t Balanced & How You Can Balance Them Naturally
A lot of people in the world suffer from hormonal imbalance. This is a condition in which the body produces an excess or deficiency of …