Why do some people feel WORSE taking probiotics? The microbiome and probiotics are all the rage. These healthy bacteria support gut health, immunity, brain function, …
The Myth About Restrictive Diets
⚠️ Don’t Make This Mistake ⚠️ Most people believe that if they have SIBO or IBS or other digestive problems… ….that they need to follow …
What’s The Difference Between SIBO & IBS?
On the surface, IBS and SIBO are hard to tell apart. Both can cause bloating, gas, pain, and either diarrhea or constipation. ❌ But they …
Why Am I So bloated?
So, why am I so bloated? Bloating is one of the most aggravating symptoms because of how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be! When attempts …
Fermented Foods vs. Fiber: What’s Best?
You want to know what drives obesity, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and almost all chronic diseases? Sure, there are influences of genetics and lifestyle and …
Eating Healthy Fats
Feeling confused about fats? Most people are. There’s lots of controversy (and misinformation) about this topic. So let’s start with what we can all agree …
10 Nutrients Depleted by Alcohol
Let’s talk about alcohol. Maybe you drank a little more than usual over the holidays. Maybe you’ve been drinking more since the pandemic began. Maybe …
Signs You Need A Hormone Detox
This article will highlight some of the signs that you may need hormone support. Hormone imbalances can lead to problems like diabetes, weight gain or loss, infertility, weak bones, and other problems.