
Midlife Health & Wellness

Supporting women in midlife who are navigating hormone imbalances such as perimenopause, and menopause, low libido. PCOS, adrenal dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, and estrogen dominance.

Guiding women through other health conditions resulting from their contributing hormone imbalance, such as cardio-metabolic issues, gut issues, and autoimmune conditions.

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Intimacy & Relationships

Helping women individually, or with their partners, explore intimacy in midlife. Society can be very shaming toward older women in midlife when it comes to intimacy, perpetuating the stigma around aging.  Coaching women in midlife with intimacy and relationship issues, and addressing problems such as marriage with no intimacy, low libido, and dysfunction, and so much more.

The Awakened Midlife

At midlife, a woman may begin to loosen from cultural limitations, to become more of her authentic self, her own person, in ways she perhaps have not dared to do previously. She starts to prioritize her own needs and desires. She begins to become less defined by others and more by her own choices. Midlife is a time rich with possibility for personal and spiritual growth, when women make significant changes in their lives. It’s a time of rebirth.

The Wheel of a Balanced Life

Are you feeling like your life is out of balance?  Find out which areas of your life are in need of attention and care.

Tap Into Your Inner Siren Energy

Does it feel like you’ve lost your ‘Mojo’? Has perimenopause or menopause brought you low libido or pleasure-inhibiting symptoms that have dimmed your expression of your sensual confidence?

Bring back your seductive, attractive, captivating, beguiling, mesmerizing, and alluring self.  It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can still connect to the idea of being a Siren. Being a Siren is an attitude, an energy, a power you wield, at will.

Your inner Siren, she’s still in there! Learn how to embody your inner Siren and awaken your captivating, beguiling, mesmerizing and alluring self.

Recent Blog Posts


Embracing the Crone Archetype: The Midlife Transformation for Women

As women navigate the journey of life, they encounter various stages that mark significant psychological and spiritual transformations. One of...

Menopause Midlife Sexuality Perimenopause

Celebrating Self-Love: The Importance of National Masturbation Month for Women in Midlife

Every May, National Masturbation Month provides a pivotal opportunity to discuss and destigmatize the topic of self-pleasure, a subject often...

Female Sexuality Hormones Menopause Midlife Sexuality

Navigating Low Libido and Vaginal Dryness in Midlife

Midlife brings significant changes for women, with low libido and vaginal dryness being common yet often under-discussed concerns. These issues...