Hemp hearts on toast is not only tasty but also so good for you! How to make it: 🍞 Toast your favorite bread 🥜 Spread …
10 Little-Known Benefits of Cholesterol
HDL cholesterol is known as “good” because it carries cholesterol from the circulation back to the liver for disposal. But its benefits might extend farther …
Fermented Foods vs. Fiber: What’s Best?
You want to know what drives obesity, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and almost all chronic diseases? Sure, there are influences of genetics and lifestyle and …
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Weight Loss
There’s a lot of hype around dietary supplements. There’s also a lot of hype around weight loss. I’m not about hype, but I am about …
Why Do A Hormone Detox?
What Are Hormones? Hormones are chemical substances that influence the functioning of the body. Essentially, hormones are messengers that control and coordinate activities all through …