
My Menopause Story


“Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou

This wisdom has guided me through every stage of my life, especially during midlife.  I’ve come to embrace being a constant work-in-progress, always learning, always striving for greater health, vitality, and balance. Today I can say with confidence that I feel more vibrant and fulfilled. 

This quote can hold a profound significance for women in midlife. As women navigate new challenges such as shifting hormones, career transitions, or evolving relationships, this message encourages self-compassion and growth. It reminds women that they are allowed to adjust their course as they gain more knowledge and experience, empowering them to embrace change, seek solutions, and improve their well-being without guilt. This mindset fosters resilience, self-awareness, and the opportunity to thrive as women move through this transformative stage of life.

Here is my story.

Hormone Health and My Menopause Story

As I entered my 40s, my body began sending me signals—subtle at first, then louder and more urgent. What started as minor discomforts quickly turned into a full-blown hormone imbalance. I came to understand this imbalance as estrogen dominance, and it changed everything.

Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts—these became part of my reality. Over the course of a decade, I had two separate surgeries to address these issues. The first, to remove a cluster of fibroids, came after years of heavy bleeding that left me iron-deficient and constantly exhausted. I was 41 when I finally had the fibroids removed. For a while, I thought I had my life back. But by the time I turned 55, a second surgery loomed on the horizon.

The fibroids had grown large enough to cause my belly to protrude and interfered with my bladder, and my doctor and I decided to proceed with a hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy to not only remove the fibroids, but to also remove the risk of developing another cyst in my other ovary, and to remove the risk of ovarian cancer. I was very close to reaching menopause naturally. When I was post-menopause, I moved forward with the second surgery. With the surgery behind me, I was ready to embrace this new chapter without the pain and discomfort that had plagued me for years.

But the surgeries only told part of the story. Estrogen dominance had left its mark long before I even knew what it was. From my early days of painful periods at age 11 to the hormonal shifts of pregnancy, birth, and miscarriage—it was all connected. And in the aftermath of surgery, I realized something profound: My womb, my ovaries—they were gone, but their imprint remained. I still carried their essence. My femininity, my womanhood, my sense of self, was still intact, undiminished, and deeply encoded in my being. I was whole.

Rediscovery in the Midst of My Menopause Story

While navigating these surgeries, I was also dealing with the intense changes of perimenopause. The mood swings, the weight gain, the sleepless nights—they all felt like a never-ending storm. My hair began to thin, my libido took a nosedive, and I developed an intolerance to cold that made me constantly shiver. I was wearing clip-in hair extensions just to keep up appearances and maintain some semblance of “fabulous”.

By my 50s, these changes led to hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and vaginal dryness. I felt disconnected from my own body, and for a time, I avoided intimacy altogether. I kept asking myself:

“Who is this woman I’m becoming?”

At the same time, I was working high-stress jobs in Silicon Valley, commuting three hours a day and managing millions of dollars in revenue. On the surface, I was thriving. But internally, I was barely holding it together. The stress compounded my symptoms, and I felt like I was living a double life—successful and put-together on the outside, but struggling and disconnected on the inside.

Like so many women in midlife, I longed for the woman I used to be. I wanted my old self back. But I knew that if I was going to survive this new chapter, I had to get to know the woman I was becoming—and learn to love her, too.

The Happy 'Ending' of My Menopause Story

carla moss menopause story

Menopause was brutal. It wreaked havoc on my relationships, my career, and my sense of self. But I wasn’t willing to let it define me. I began taking back control, starting with small lifestyle changes and eventually incorporating bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). 

This combination—along with a deep commitment to my wellness—allowed me to reclaim the vibrant, powerful version of myself that I had been missing.

I left the tech world behind, and with it, I dropped 20 pounds of stress. My hair grew back, I lost the weight, and my energy returned. Most importantly, I began to feel like myself again—only this time, with the wisdom and strength that comes from navigating such profound changes.

This journey didn’t just restore my health—it ignited a passion within me. I became determined to help other women navigate their own midlife transitions with grace, knowledge, and support. That’s when I founded Being Well Aware, coaching practice dedicated to helping women like you thrive through midlife and beyond.

Your Menopause Story and Transformation

The struggles of midlife are real, but you don’t have to go through them alone. Whether you’re battling hormone imbalances, struggling with intimacy, or feeling lost in the midst of career or life changes, I’m here to help you find your way back to yourself.

Midlife isn’t an ending—it’s a beginning. It’s a chance to redefine what this next chapter of your life looks like. You deserve to feel empowered, vibrant, and in control of your health and happiness.

carla moss post menopause

I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my journey and the knowledge I’ve gained through it. I’ve shared my journey, and now I want to hear yours. What’s happening with your body? How are your hormones impacting your life, your relationships, your sense of self? Let’s explore your unique story together and map out a plan to restore balance, vitality, and joy to your life.

Book a Wellness Audit today, and let’s dive deep into your menopause story. Together, we’ll find the solutions that work best for you. I’m here, and I’m listening.